When words come to life
Bob Moyer says a lot in a few words about a book that does the same. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer KICK THE LATCH. By Kathryn Scanlan. New Directions. 144 pages. $17.95. Kathryn Scanlan writes minimalist fiction. Not short stories. Not flash fiction. Minimalist fiction. She eschews verbiage, and dismisses the drape of narrative novelists usually…
Tarheel troubadour
Bob Moyer has returned from his latest adventures to give us another fine book review. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer IN THE VALLEY. By Ron Rash. Doubleday. 220 pages. $26.95 There’s gold in them thar mountains. North Carolina mountains, that is, and Ron Rash knows how to mine it. Critics frequently call him an…
Parting words from a fine writer
Bob Moyer has taken a respite from his travels long enough to pay tribute to the last book from a favorite author. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer THE ANCIENT MINSTREL. By Jim Harrison. Grove Press. 255 pages. $25. “No one has ever read novellas”: In an interview shortly after his last book came out, Jim…