Tag: Walter Mosley

  • New crimes, old desires

    Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer FAREWELL, AMETHYSTINE. By Walter Mosley. Mulholland Books. 336 pages. $30. The title gives it away. In all previous 15 books about Ezekiel “Easy” Rawlins, dozens of beautiful women pass through the pages. None of them get more than a few chapters, however, and few of them make it to the…

  • Every page a gem

    Bob Moyer reads a lot and reviews a lot of books. If he had to name his favorite authors, I’m guessing Walter Moseley would be at or near the top of the list. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer EVERY MAN A KING. By Walter Mosley. 324 pages. $28. Joe King Oliver doesn’t really want to…

  • A voice of pain and passion

    Bob Moyer reviews the latest in a venerable detective series that’s set decades ago but, he finds, has much to say that’s relevant to today’s readers. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer BLOOD GROVE. By Walter Mosley/ Mulholland Books. 307 pages. $27. Long before Black Lives Matter, before George Floyd, a voice articulated the plight of…

  • Walter Mosley, the short version

    Years ago, a review by Bob Moyer introduced me to the works of Walter Mosley. Since then, I have read many of Mosley’s outstanding  and evocative mysteries, including many  of the early ones I had missed.  Now I’ll have to add this book of stories to my reading list. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer THE…

  • Short and not sweet

    Bob Moyer just keeps on reading, finding books to recommend for the entertainment and edification of the rest of us socially distanced folks. He’s a trouper! Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer TROUBLE IS WHAT I DO. By Walter Mosley. Mulholland Books. 176 pages. $24. It’s too short. The brevity of Walter Mosley’s latest book deprives…

  • Serving up justice

    Water Mosley is another one of Bob Moyer’s favorite authors (I like him a lot, too), and here Bob takes a look at one of Mosley’s interesting and crusading detectives. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer DOWN THE RIVER UNTO THE SEA. By Walter Mosley. Mulholland Books. 322 pages. $27. Walter Mosley writes his best about African-American…

  • Looking through Easy’s eyes

    Reviewed by Linda C. Brinson I’ve come late to the Easy Rawlins mysteries, mostly because my longtime reviewer friend Robert P. Moyer always snatched them up. Bob’s thoughtful praise for Walter Mosley’s books always made me want to read them, but the downside of running a book review page or site is that you feel…

  • Is it a ghost? Not exactly…

    What a happy day it is when a favorite author resurrects a series hero who was believed to be dead! Bob Moyer takes a look at the resurrected Easy Rawlins. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer LITTLE GREEN. By Walter Mosley. Doubleday. 291 pages. $25.95. Easy Rawlins back from the dead? No, that’s not quite right.…

  • Mosley’s latest: Two looks

    Bob Moyer has been reading Walter Mosley’s novels forever. He’s a fan of the Easy Rawlins series, which supposedly ended a few years ago but now, reports say, is being revived. Leonid McGill is Mosley’s new protagonist. Bob read the fourth entry in the series, and I listened to it as an audio book. It…

  • Back on the mean streets

    Bob Moyer has been reading Walter Mosley’s new series again – with pleasure. By Robert Moyer WHEN THE THRILL IS GONE. By Walter Mosley. Riverhead Books. 368 pages. $26.95 Leonid McGill makes only his third appearance in Walter Mosley’s new series, but we’ve seen his kind before — the hard-boiled kind.  Short, stocky and deadly,…