A fitting farewell
Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer I love it when Bob Moyer is in reading/reviewing mode. So many books to add to my list…. METROPOLIS. By Philip Kerr. Putnam. 381 pages. $28. In 13 books, Philip Kerr established detective Bernie Gunther as a German noir detective equivalent to Raymond Chandler’s Marlowe. He also established himself as not just…
Gifts: Good story and good advice
Philip Kerr, one of Bob Moyer’s favorite authors has died. Bob reviews his newly published book, amid reports that there may be one more yet to appear. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer GREEKS BEARING GIFTS. By Philip Kerr. Putnam. 511 pages. $27. During the course of this venerable series, Philip Kerr has given us a…
A perilous “fairy story”
Bob Moyer may have been traveling in Japan in real time, but in his reading world, he’s been in post-war Germany, courtesy of the latest in one of his favorite series. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer PRUSSIAN BLUE. By Philip Kerr. Putnam. 523 pages. $27. In this now-venerable series, Bernie Gunther has made his melancholy way from…
One war ends, another simmers
Bob Moyer takes a look at the latest book in a series about a detective in Germany during the World War II era. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer THE OTHER SIDE OF SILENCE: A Bernie Gunther Novel. By Philip Kerr. Putnam. 400 pages. $27. Some things change. In this accomplished series about the moral and…
Sleuthing for the Nazis
Bob Moyer has a wide range of reading favorites that includes mystery/thrillers and books about the Holocaust. Philip Kerr’s Bernie Gunther series deftly combines these two interests. Reviewed by Robert P. Moyer THE LADY FROM ZAGREB. By Philip Kerr. Putnam. 421 pages. $26.95. It’s 1942, the beginning of the end, the Soviet Union has not…
A mystery, German style
Fittingly, Bob Moyer has sent from Germany a review of a mystery dealing with wartime Germany. Will Bob keep traveling the world, sending reviews to match his locales? Or will he return to North Carolina and join the rest of us in armchair journeys? Stay tuned. Meanwhile, enjoy this review. By Robert P. Moyer PRAGUE…