Law, order, love and money, Stone Barrington style
Reviewed by Linda C. Brinson SHAKEUP. By Stuart Woods. Penguin Audio. Read by Tony Roberts. 7 hours; 6 CDs. $35. Also available in print from G.P. Putnam’s Sons. OK, here’s the book to take you from the craziness we are in to a fantasy world in which the United States has just inaugurated its second…
Spies and lovers
Reviewed by Linda C. Brinson TREASON. By Stuart Woods. Penguin Audio. Read by Tony Roberts. 7 ½ hours; 6 CDs. $35. Also available in print from G.P. Putnam’s Sons. There are Stone Barrington novels, and then there are Stone Barrington novels. This is one of the meatier Stone Barrington novels, enlivened by politics and international…
The right touch
Reviewed by Linda C. Brinson When Stuart Woods is good, he’s really quite good, but sometimes he seems to be just cranking out yet another Stone Barrington ode to the joys of being ridiculously wealthy. A Delicate Touch, No. 48 in the series (which started in 1991), is better than most of Barrington’s recent adventures.…
Stone Barrington’s latest is rich with plot, action and politics
Reviewed by Linda C. Brinson BELOW THE BELT. By Stuart Woods. Read by Tony Roberts. Penguin Audio. 8 hours; 7 CDs. $35. Also available in hardcover from G.P. Putnam’s Sons. I haven’t read nearly all of the Stone Barrington books, which Stuart Woods cranks out with alarming frequency. I have read enough of them to…
Lifestyles of the rich and vapid
Reviewed by Linda C. Brinson DISHONORABLE INTENTIONS. By Stuart Woods. Read by Tony Roberts. 7 CDs, 8 hours. Penguin Audio. $35. When a prolific author cranks out books in a series with astonishing rapidity, a reviewer is often left with little to say other than that those who like this series will probably like the…
Lifestyles of the rich and criminal
Reviewed by Linda C. Brinson FAMILY JEWELS. By Stuart Woods. Penguin Audio. Read by Tony Roberts. 7 hours; 6 CDs. $35. Also available in hardback from G.P. Putnam’s Sons. Stuart Woods cranks his Stone Barrington thrillers out pretty quickly. This one is, if I count correctly, No 37. Family Jewels, with some interesting plot twists…
Wealth, danger and scandal – what more could you want?
Reviewed by Linda C. Brinson SCANDALOUS BEHAVIOR. By Stuart Woods. Penguin Audio. Read by Tony Roberts. Six CDs, seven hours. $35. Also available in print from G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Stone Barrington, having had many adventures, close calls and romantic encounters recently (as always), decides to get a little R&R visiting a friend (lady of…
Have we come to this?
Every summer, Paul O’Connor sets out driving across the country, writing vignettes along the way. This year, he took a supply of audio books with him. Many he has liked, some not so much. I must say after reading this review that I think Paul enjoys panning a book more than he enjoys praising one.…